
The association organized a trip to the Kings Resort in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for orphans

How sweet their hearts are, pure, clear, pure, and sincere, and the smile never leaves them. The trouble goes away with a look into their eyes. We translate the meaning of innocence into what a wonderful meaning. The Tree of Life Charitable Social Society organized a trip for orphans to the Kings Rest House in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Monday, July 1, 2024, where the trip began in the morning carrying 70 orphans, male and female, and those accompanying the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, Vice President Jamil Al-Shehabi, Member of the Board of Directors, Cyrus Kazerouni, employees, and some volunteers, where it began. The program included swimming and games in sections for men and others for women, and competitions and movement games were held.