
The Tree of Life organizes the seventh annual breakfast for orphans

The Tree of Life Social Charity Association organized the seventh annual iftar, in which it invited orphans, in addition to diplomatic figures in the community and friends of the association, as the number of attendees reached 200, on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. It is worth noting that the association’s programs won the admiration of everyone, as it began with a fragrant recitation of the Holy Quran It was followed by a speech by Miss Fatima Al-Sayyed Jawad, after which the creative Al-Walaa band chanted songs, after which there were competitions, kinetic games, prize draws, and a tawashih paragraph with vocalist Hussein Al-Sisi, in addition to the interesting magic segment, and the program was concluded by celebrating the birthday of the April heroes. We thank the sponsors and participants for making this event a success.